Field Trips for K-12 Students

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Field Trip Details & Logistics
- Field trips are offered Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
- Chaperones: minimum of one adult chaperone for each station
Discover the Flyway field trips start at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Headquarters. Students rotate through wetland themed science learning activities or a social science unit (see options below). All activities are hands-on, interactive, and inquiry based.
The morning activities are followed by a 20 – 30 minute break for lunch (not provided) at the Yolo Demonstration Area. The field trip continues after lunch with the distribution of loaner binoculars and bird I.D. cards followed by a binocular lesson. Then students load up in their bus or chaperoned cars and caravan to the nearby Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area for a time of discovery before returning to school.
Discover the Flyway Field Trip Options:
Science Field Trips
Three Activity Science Field Trip – $290.00
- 15 minimum 30 maximum students
- 4 hours
- 3 learning activities
Four Activity Science Field Trip – $315.00
- 15 minimum, 40 maximum students
- 4.5 hours
- 4 learning activities
Social Science Field Trips
Patwin Life (3rd Grade) and Feeding the People (4th Grade) – $340.00
- 15 minimum, 40 maximum students
- 5 hours
- Each social science unit has four activities
Science Learning Activities
Science learning activities and suggested grade levels are listed below. Choose any 3 activities for a Three Activity Science field trip. Choose any 4 activities for a Four Activity Science field trip.
Animal Activities
Animal Tracks, Scat and Signs (1st – 6th)
Salmon Senses (2nd – 6th)
Bird Activities
Feathered Friends (K – 2nd)
How do I Compare to an Egret? (K – 1st)
Migration Madness (3rd – 6th)
Owl Pellets (4th – 12th)
What Can I Eat with this Beak? (3rd – 6th)
Plant Activities
Leaf I.D. (K – 2nd)
Wetland Plant I.D. (3rd – 12th)
Soil Activities
Sinking into Soil (K – 1st)
The Great Percolation Race (2nd – 12th)
Vernal Pool Activities
Critter Caper (K – 3rd)
Pollution Solutions (4th – 8th)
Water Activities
Water Quality Testing (5th – 12th)
Wetland Pond Study (K – 12th)
Human Impact Activities
Perch Protectors (3rd – 6th)
Un-Nature Trail (K – 2nd)
Social Science Units

Patwin Life (3rd and 4th Grade)
Autumn: Acorn Season
Spring: Salmon Run!
Summer: Tule Cordage
Winter: Valley Villages
Feeding the People (4th Grade)
Changing Swampland to Farmland
Irrigation: Moving Water to the Farm
Seeds and Grains of the Yolo Basin
Transportation: Food on the Move

Wetland tours take place at the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area
Program Terms and Conditions
Click here to read the program Terms and Conditions before reserving a Discover the Flyway school program.
Transportation Funding Assistance
Transportation funding assistance is available to Title I schools through the Transportation Mini-Grant Program. Contact Heidi Satter, [email protected], for more information.
Wild About Wetlands Kits
Wild About Wetlands Kits are available to teachers to prepare students for their Discover the Flyway program or to supplement wetland education. Kits include activities and lessons with all materials provided. Teachers or other youth leaders can check out kits for two weeks.
Teachers must pick up and return kits at the Yolo Basin Foundation office. To reserve a kit, email Corky Quirk at [email protected].