Environmental Education Resources for Teachers, Parents and Students

Discover the Flyway from Home is an extension of Yolo Basin Foundation’s outdoor education program, Discover the Flyway. Its goal is to offer teachers, parents and students a meaningful source of information aimed at grades K – 12 for remote access and engagement. There are many ways to connect to nature, learn about science, protect wetlands, and get involved in conservation from home.
Online Activities
- Red-tailed Hawk
- Nesting – Watch nesting Red-tailed hawks (Big Red and Arthur) on a live web-cam and learn about their nesting behavior.
- Marsh Wren
- Marsh Wrens in the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area – Watch a video and learn about Marsh Wrens.
- Snowy Egret
- Foraging Behavior – Watch the video of a Snowy Egret foraging for invertebrates and discuss why it uses it foot in such an interesting way.
- Greater Yellowlegs
- Adaptations – Watch the Bird adaptations video and decide – Why the long legs and beak?
- Mystery Shorebird ID
- Bird Adaptations
- The Great Blue Heron
- The Great Blue Heron – Learn about this iconic wetland species
- Bird Identification
- Bird I.D. 101 –Identify a bird native to the YBWA using online tools
- Bird I.D. 102 –Identify a bird native to the YBWA using online tools
- Whose Skull is This? – Identify the animals by looking at the physical features of skulls.
- Sounds of the Wetlands – Watch a video of birds in the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area and learn how to train your ears to hear all the different sounds.
- Aquatic Insect ID – Watch a video, learn about and ID some of the insects that live in wetland ponds.
Invasive Species
- What is an Invasive Species? – Using an example from our local wetlands, learn about why some species are labeled “invasive”.
- Bats
- Bat Attitudes Battitude – Throughout history, bats have been shrouded in myth and superstition. Try your best at these six true or false questions about bats!
- Meet the Pallid Bat – View a video all about one of our local bats and answer the questions.
- How Much Does a Bat Eat? – Use your math skills to calculate how much a bat eats and see how bats help our local farmers.
- Project Edubat Activities and Curriculum – “Bats are amazing animals that are vital to the health of our environment and economy – eating tons of insects nightly, pollinating flowers, and spreading seeds that that grow new plants and even trees. Project EduBat’s education page offers activities and resources to learn about and help teach others about bats.”~ Project EduBat website
- Beavers
- Wetland Mammals – Beavers – Watch a video about beavers and answer some questions about their behavior and remarkable front teeth
- Muskrats
- Wetland Mammals – Muskrats – Learn how to distinguish between a muskrat and a beaver.
- River Otters
- The Playful Otter – Learn about the natural history of river otters.
- Snakes
- Snakes of the Bypass – There are several species of snakes that live in the Yolo Bypass. Can you identify this commonly seen snake?
Social Studies
- Wetland Soil Composition – Do you know what makes wetland soils different from other types of soil?
- What is a Wetland – Watch a short video from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to learn about wetlands!
Wildlife Investigations
- Who Trekked Through Here? – Use your knowledge of animals and a few clues and find out who left their prints in the wetlands!
- Virtual Tour of Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area – Take a nature walk in the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area with Corky Quirk!
- Mama, Mama – Can you match the young animals with their mama?
- I See Scat! – Are you and animal detective? Learn how to identify what animals live in an area by looking at signs they leave behind.

Discover the Flyway Lesson Plans for School and Home
K – 2nd grade
- Plants – Just Leaf it
- Environmental Stewardship – Natural or Not
- Wildlife Investigation – Listen and Look for Wildlife All Around
3rd – 5th grade
- Plants – Just Leaf it
- Environmental Stewardship – Natural or Not
- Wildlife Investigation – Listen and Look for Wildlife All Around
6th – 8th grade
- Plants – Just Leaf it
- Environmental Stewardship – Natural or Not
- Wildlife Investigation – Listen and Look for Wildlife All Around
9th – 12th grade
Wetland Themed Puzzles
Click here for word games to download and print. Improve your nature vocabulary while having fun!
Water Cycle word search (easy)
Properties of Water word search (medium)
Water Quality word search (medium)
Wetland Crossword Puzzle
(answer key)
Discover the Flyway’s Common Core Reading List
Education and the Environment Initiative Curriculum (EEI)
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
Science Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)

Links to Learning
Links to local and global organizations, websites, and learning opportunities
The Cornell Lab of Ornithology – Science & Nature Activities for Cooped Up Kids
Audubon for Kids – interactive lessons and activities with weekly themes
Project Learning Tree: In Your Backyard – at home plant themed activities from math to writing
Project Learning Tree: STEM Invasive Species – Videos, enrichment, and projects to development knowledge and awareness of invasive species
NEEF The National Environmental Education Foundation